General IQ Score from
IQTest.comI think I did alright, if anyone who happens to read this blog takes the iq test off their site, please comment on how you scored.
This is what their site had to say about my IQ:
Your General IQ Score of 151 shows how able your mind is in general. Anyone with a General IQ Score this high is considered to be a genius. This score is better than 99.97% of all persons taking this test. All known occupations can be comprehended with a General IQ this high. You should be able to handle any academic challenges.
You scored higher than your General IQ Score in 10 individual ability categories. 2 of these better scores could be called statistically significant and may indicate special abilities, or that you were distracted on those parts of the IQ Test that counted more heavily in the other ability categories.
ArithmeticSolving many of the IQ Test's problems required the ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers mentally. Many mental tasks require arithmetical operations even though numbers may not be involved, and thus number manipulation abilities can strongly indicate general intelligence.
Your Arithmetic IQ score of 152 is not significantly different from your General IQ score.This score is better than 99.97% of all persons taking this test.
Spatial SkillUnderstanding what changes will occur when conditions vary is a deep and powerful ability of the mind. All invention and creativity of every sort is based upon this ability. Although test problems usually involve manipulation of objects in space, persons with a stronger ability to spatially manipulate can also be expected to use this ability to be able to better predict how social and psychological situations would change due to variation.
Your Spatial Skill IQ score of 147 is not significantly different from your General IQ score.This score is better than 99.91% of all persons taking this test.
LogicalThis is the ability to determine if a set of rules has been correctly followed. This ability is most useful in combination with other mental skills listed above. Those with strong logical ability are quicker to see where a given set of conditions is going to lead, have a strong sense of justice, and better understand--from an intellectual analysis--the benefits of harmony.
Your Logical IQ score of 154 is not significantly different from your General IQ score.This score is better than 99.98% of all persons taking this test.
SpellingThe ability to spell can indicate general intelligence. Remembering a set sequence of letters indicates the mind's ability to retrieve remembered facts. Learning how to spell and use the words of a language is almost a complete IQ test in itself. Although poor spellers with high IQ scores can be found, it is rare, and in general--everything else being equal--the better spellers have higher IQ scores.
Your Spelling IQ score of 163 is exceptionally higher than your General IQ score.This score is better than greater than 99.99% of all persons taking this test.
Short Term MemoryThe ability to remember things for a short period of time allows the mind to check back and retrieve facts needed to complete a problem solving operation. This ability becomes more critical when problems have many aspects that need consideration and/or need to be solved mentally. This ability strongly determines how efficiently one handles the many aspects of normal life. If your short term memory ability is strong you are much less likely to seem inattentive or "slow to get it" to others.
Your Short Term Memory IQ score of 153 is not significantly different from your General IQ score.This score is better than 99.98% of all persons taking this test.
Rote UtilizationThis is the ability to take a set of memorized facts and mentally extract and/or operate with or upon the facts within the set that are pertinent to the problem at hand. Persons with more of this ability can be expected to spell well, remember telephone and other numbers easily, be more adroit in procedural operations, and have a stronger foundation for tasks that require the use of memorized material.
Your Rote Utilization IQ score of 159 is exceptionally higher than your General IQ score.This score is better than greater than 99.99% of all persons taking this test.
AlgebraicThis is the ability of the mind to abstractly handle quantities and qualities. Persons who are strong in this ability can more quickly and more deeply understand analogies, stories, derivations, equalities, and hierarchical structures.
Your Algebraic IQ score of 162 is exceptionally higher than your General IQ score.This score is better than greater than 99.99% of all persons taking this test.
General KnowledgeKnowledge that is casually picked up and remembered can indicate intelligence, because persons with higher intelligence will exhibit greater retention of those pieces of information that are encountered less often. Because higher intelligence allows a person to have a deeper appreciation of the connectivity of facts that may seem disparate to others of lesser intelligence, memory of such facts becomes easier.
Your General Knowledge IQ score of 156 is not significantly different from your General IQ score.This score is better than 99.99% of all persons taking this test.
Visual ApprehensionThis is the ability of the mind to mentally picture visual information and to be able to extract portions of that information for separate use. A person whose visual apprehension is strong enjoys a richer, more creative appreciation of visual aspects of experiences.
Your Visual Apprehension IQ score of 153 is not significantly different from your General IQ score.This score is better than 99.98% of all persons taking this test.
GeometricHow well one can comprehend geometric relationships of lines, sides, planes, angles, and topological properties strongly determines one's ability to make sense of visual information. The strength of one's geometric ability can strongly determine how quickly knowledge can be absorbed if it is presented visually.
Your Geometric IQ score of 150 is not significantly different from your General IQ score.This score is better than 99.96% of all persons taking this test.
VocabularyKnowing the meaning of words is an ability that directly increases along with the increase of general intelligence. The meaning of a word is more easily remembered with higher intelligence, because it takes more intelligence to understand and correctly use words based upon the subtle differences between words with similar meanings and to comprehend difficult concepts which are sometimes symbolized by a single word.
Your Vocabulary IQ score of 154 is not significantly different from your General IQ score.This score is better than 99.98% of all persons taking this test.
IntuitionIntuition is defined as that ability of the mind to develop answers to questions without consciously dealing with the problem at hand. Often a question will provoke your mind to answer without using conscious processing time, and the answer is said to come "out of the blue" or "suddenly, it just struck me". Of all the many abilities of the mind, this is one of the most often used. Just knowing what to do is often an automatic process that occurs without much conscious figuring. Those with stronger intuition make less mistakes and can seem luckier, wiser, or more mature.
Your Intuition IQ score of 156 is not significantly different from your General IQ score.This score is better than 99.99% of all persons taking this test.
Computational SpeedIf you can correctly solve a variety of problems faster than another person, you may be demonstrating a generally more orderly internal arrangement of your mind's problem solving methods. While speed cannot be the sole factor in determining overall superiority in one mental operations, in general faster computational speed will often indicate that a problem's comprehension was more complete. With everything else being equal, a person with faster computational speed than another person's will be better at tasks that require the synthesis of many bits of information.
Your Computational Speed IQ score of 107 is significantly lower than your General IQ score.This score is better than 67.96% of all persons taking this test.